Monthly Archives: August 2018

Warwick castle

This is a wonderful family friendly castle with much to do and buy! Especially for younger kids. We loved all their shows. The display rooms in the castle was amazing with the life-like wax figures. Our accomodation for the night: … Continue reading

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Lakes district- England

If you’ve ever been to the Lakes district in England you’ll know what Psalm 23 in the bible means. This last destination was like the cherry on top of a cupcake. It is stunningly beautiful for kilometres on end. We … Continue reading

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Wow! Awesome. In love with Scotland, it is stunning. We stayed in a tiny place called Bridge of Allen just outside of Stirling, which is an hour by train from Edinburgh. We went to the Birnam wood forest in Dunkeld … Continue reading

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London: part 2

Pussy cat, Pussy cat where have you been? I’ve been up to London to visit the Queen… To be honest London was a bit overwhelming to me – public transport is good, but a lot of times so packed with … Continue reading

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London: part 1

What wonderful coolness and rain after all the heat in Europe- We were a bit upset because we were not well prepared for the rain and were very wet after the London tower visit and city walking. Everything inside my … Continue reading

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Netherlands: Haarlem

We decided to stay in Haarlem as a base and are so happy about our choice. Haarlem is a beautiful, quiet town with lots of beautiful canals and Amsterdam is only a 15-20min train ride from here. It was so … Continue reading

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Netherlands: Amsterdam

We thoroughly enjoyed our short visit to Amsterdam. We decided to visit the Rijks museum and loved so many of the paintings that I might have to make a seperate little photo book just of all the photos we took … Continue reading

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Belgium: Brugges

I think this is possibly my favourite town of our tour but I will update my thoughts at the end of it. The canals and the old buildings are stunning. I loved walking through this old town. The weather was … Continue reading

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Belgium: Brussels

Finally we got some cool weather and rain as well, it is so much better now! We only got a “taste” of Brussels as we stayed overnight and had the afternoon to explore. So naturally we started with the most … Continue reading

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Paris: part 5

A picture speaks a thousand words, enough said. We totally loved Paris but not even with 5 days could we see and do half the things I had on my list. We took it easy and relaxed a lot after … Continue reading

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